About Us

Everything you need to know all in one app designed by aquarium experts, for aquarium hobbyists.

Who We Are?

Aquabuildr specializes in intelligent and innovative aquarium building. We are passionate about educating aquarium enthusiasts to create and maintain healthy/happy tanks. Aquabuildr takes pride in advancing our technology based on the feedback from our loyal community. Our team is dedicated to the community we serve while advancing our innovation to create the best experiences for both the owners and the fishes. Aquabuildr’s commitment to educating the public and ensuring our fishes live long and happy lives drives everything we do. Together, we aim to bring the thriving aquarist community closer together while moving the industry forward.

What We Do?

The home aquatic sector is a massive industry with a very difficult route needed to educate yourself. We’ve watched the videos, examined the charts, read the books and waited in lines at the stores. ENOUGH! So, the team got to work to create Aquabuildr. Now we can help educate those individuals who weren’t terribly confident in what they were doing, and now, can help you build (and maintain) your tank every step of the way!

Our Mission

At Aquabuildr, our mission is to empower individuals, businesses, and communities to create and maintain thriving aquatic ecosystems. We are dedicated to demystifying the art of aquarium keeping by providing innovative technology, comprehensive knowledge, and unwavering support to enthusiasts of all levels to enhance the aquatic community.

Our Goal

We have made it our goal to give support to all hobbyists in the aquatic sector by educating them on building and maintaining a healthy tank. We don’t want to see any more aquatic casualties if we can help it. We can and we ARE! Thanks to our and cutting-edge technology team, we are able to take feedback from our community and implement changes in house for fast, effective updates to make the experience great. We aim to develop and launch an innovative, user-friendly, and sustainable smart aquarium system that can be easily integrated into a wide range of aquatic environments.

Download Our App

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for free on app store

You can create your own tank with aqubuildr’s intelligent algorithm easy and fast.